Dear members and friends:
As planning for the meeting continues, I want to highlight some of what we are working on.
By February, the upcoming election will be in the rearview mirror and the process of organizing a new Congress and confirming new officials for the incoming administration will be well underway. Our Public Policy Conference, which will be held on Tuesday, February 11, will help attendees unpack the implications of the elections on critical issues facing co-ops such as tax and the farm bill. This conference is a fantastic opportunity for attendees, especially farmer directors, to engage with the issues that are at the core of the work NCFC does for you here in Washington.
Our planning for the Director Education Conference is well underway—in fact, as you can see from the agenda, session topics for the conference are already set. This year’s conference is once again being planned in close-coordination with our member-led Director Education Advisory Committee. The theme of this year’s sessions is Amplifying the Co-op Advantage. The conference begins on Tuesday afternoon with a joint session with the Public Policy Conference.
The Legal, Tax and Accounting Conference will start on Wednesday, February 12. The LTA Conference will feature sessions on tax legislation and the implications for the 199A deduction; developments in competition enforcement; and discussions of other legal and regulatory enforcement impacting farmer cooperatives. The conference will also include breakout sessions offering a deep dive on tax, accounting, and litigation affecting farmer cooperatives’ bottom line.
Please use the links below to visit NCFC’s 2025 Annual Meeting website, where you will be able to register, view the draft agenda, find out about sponsorship opportunities, and book your hotel room.
On behalf of the NCFC staff, we look forward to seeing you all in California and, as always, do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Chuck Conner
President & CEO