Animal Agriculture
Animal agriculture is a crucial part of the American food system. Farmer-owned cooperatives work hand-in-hand with livestock producers by adding value to their products, marketing their livestock, and servicing their farm supply needs. NCFC supports policies that empower farmers and ranchers by giving them more tools to compete globally, and fights against policies that stifle innovation.

Animal Agriculture
NCFC supports animal agriculture policies that provide market transparency, reduce unnecessary government regulations, and increase availability of market information for livestock, poultry, and egg producers. Federal policies must recognize the unique and important role farmer-owned livestock and poultry marketing associations play in the success of American agriculture and in providing farmers the best opportunity to compete in an increasingly challenging marketplace.
NCFC also continues to work with industry partners to improve communications among farmers, ranchers, processors, food retailers and consumers, helping people better understand the role animal agriculture plays in providing a safe, abundant food supply.
Policy Priorities
- Support strengthening the livestock industry through viable and economical systems that enhance the value and ensure the safety of animal agriculture products, promoting consumer confidence.
- Support policies that enhance the ability of cooperative members to raise animals for food and fiber consistent with best management practices, herd health objectives and available technologies based on proven science, are economically and environmentally sound, and that ensure the safety of animal agriculture products.
- Support policies that promote the responsible use of production practices by producers to maintain the health of their animals and to continue to provide the American consumer with a high- quality source of protein.
- Support the use of antimicrobials in an approved herd health program to promote animal well-being and to provide healthy and safely produced food for consumers.
- Support policies to enhance business opportunities for livestock and poultry producers as well as their farmer-owned livestock marketing associations by providing the freedom and flexibility to engage in new market innovations.
- Oppose federal policies that negatively impact farmer-owned livestock marketing associations by limiting the marketing options of the cooperative and its members.
- Oppose activities and extreme policies that lack basis or scientific evidence and negatively impact the ability of farmer-owned cooperatives and their producer members to produce a safe and affordable food supply.
- Support policies and programs that enhance the traceability of livestock for purposes of disease control and marketability.
- Provide a risk- and science-based regulatory pathway to streamline the animal and aquaculture biotechnology approval process.
- Maintain exemption of livestock from greenhouse gas emissions reporting.
- Support policies that improve the regulatory process for animal feed additives.
NCFC Comments to IRS on Definition of Energy Property and Rules for Energy Credits