Statement by the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives on the House Agriculture Committee Farm Bill Markup

Press Releases

Washington, D.C. (April 18, 2018)—“NCFC commends House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway for moving the farm bill process forward today by holding a markup of H.R. 2 in his committee. The legislation contains a number of provisions aimed at strengthening the ability of America’s farmers and ranchers to sustain their operations in a market that continues to see persistent low prices. 

“Every farm bill must start somewhere and each must take its own unique path to enactment. As the process moves from the committee to the House floor and eventually to the Senate, we believe the best path to enactment is one that brings together a bipartisan and regionally-diverse coalition in Congress and one that is supported by the broadest possible group of stakeholders around the country. NCFC looks forward to working with lawmakers in both the House and Senate and on both sides of the aisle to make this a reality and pass a farm bill that benefits all Americans.”

About NCFC

NCFC is a national association representing America’s farmer cooperatives. There are over 2,500 farmer cooperatives across the U.S. whose members include a majority of our nation’s more than 2 million farmers, ranchers and growers. These farmer cooperative businesses handle, process, and market agricultural commodities and related products; furnish farm supplies; and provide credit and associated financial services. Farmer cooperatives also provide jobs for nearly 250,000 Americans, many in rural areas, with a combined payroll of over $8 billion.

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