Statement of NCFC President Chuck Conner after House Vote on H.R. 2, the 2018 Farm Bill

Press Releases

Washington, D.C. (May 18, 2018)–“NCFC would like to recognize and thank House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway for his hard work in crafting the 2018 farm bill over the past months. While today’s vote on the House floor is deeply disappointing, we believe that at the end of the day it will be seen as only a bump in the road on the way to passing the farm bill that America’s farmers and ranchers so urgently need. As the chairman begins to take the next steps in this process, NCFC will continue to support his efforts to see a new farm bill enacted by the end of the fiscal year.”

About NCFC

NCFC is a national association representing America’s farmer cooperatives. There are nearly 2,500 farmer cooperatives across the U.S. whose members include a majority of our nation’s more than 2 million farmers, ranchers and growers. These farmer cooperative businesses handle, process, and market agricultural commodities and related products; furnish farm supplies; and provide credit and associated financial services. Farmer cooperatives also provide jobs for nearly 250,000 Americans, many in rural areas, with a combined payroll of over $8 billion.

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